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04 October 2011

Rabodirect only take care of "new" money

Saw this promotion from Rabodirect, use to be one of the highest interest paying bank in NZ.
Straight away, i go to their website and post this comment...
Speaking on the new 4.0% Oncall account, i fell gutted for it. It is on available to new customer joining before 30/10/2011.

Hey, why not for the existing customer as well? Is that attracting more new customer is your priority or to retain us, your loyal fans?

Do you try to make us to close our account, than open a new one the next day?

Hehe!! This is me. I'll say what i want to say, and pending for their reply. I might do what i say too....

Opps.... use your magnifier glass and have a good look at their slogan. "RaboDirect the straight talking online bank". Maybe they really mean they need "new" money :(

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