Spring is a good time for gardening as outdoor temperature start warming up. Gardening department from The Warehouse and Mitre 10 has been doing vege and fruit tree sales, including strawberry.
Strawberry is easy to grow. It take only little space in the garden and can be so rewarding when the time to harvest. I had always want to do that in a gutter shape container, and my friend Carl make me one yesterday...yeah!
wodden strawberry container |
Today, i quickly went to get 6 plants for $14 from The Warehouse and start planting. Firstly, i filled up the container with compost. Slowly, i took out the plant from plastic pot, loosen their root and put them into this wooden container.(i do not took photo during the process cos my hand was dirty).
all 6 plants align nicely in my wooden container |
After all, i give them a handful of fertilizer(cos i dont have the proper strawberry fertilizer, i gave them tomato fertilizer as the N-P-K ratio 4-4-8 is similar). They had plenty of water too as they are shallow rooted.
All these plants had start flowering and as the temperature gets warmer, more flower start to come out. I hope i can start harvest after a month and will keep posting for the progress.
Ops, before i forget.. i better explain the wire surrounding the plants are frame for netting. It is not needed at this moment until the fruit set. I'm a bit miserly of this and don't want to share with the bird....haha